Call for Papers - details

Call for Papers

BIEN Congress 2014 invites proposals for individual papers, themed panels of up to three papers and discussion roundtables that cover any aspect of the justification, design or implementation of basic income. Preference will be given to those proposals that focus on how basic income might re-democratize the economy.

The congress is open to any disciplinary approach or view, including those who express a constructive skepticism towards the basic income option.

  1. Anyone interested in presenting a paper should send a title, a brief abstract (250 words max.), and contact info (name, institutional affiliation and contact email) to the congress organizers.
  2. Proposals for themed panels of up to three papers should be organized around a clearly identifiable theme and include: title and brief outline (250 words) of the panel; name and institutional affiliation of each speaker; title and short abstract of each paper; and contact info of the panel convener.
  3. Roundtable proposals should contain title and outline of the topic and the names and institutional affiliations of up to five participants, as well as the contact info of the roundtable convener.


Topical streams of inquiry include (but are not limited to) the following considerations:

  • Which economic, social,  political or environmental changes would re-democratizing the economy require?
  • How would the institution of a basic income guarantee promote re-democratizing the economy, nationally or globally?
  • How would the combination of a (more) economic democracy and a basis income ensure ecological sustainability?
  • Which revenue models would help support a re-democratized economy?
  • How can we boost the political support for basic income at a time of inequality, austerity and economic exclusion?
  • What democratic and citizenship implications can we expect from a basic income guarantee?
  • What are the legal and constitutional implications of the right to a basic income?

BIEN Congress 2014 accepts proposals in English and French.